Bring on the backstitching!

The main area of the tribute piece is done!!!! Dance with me!

Now all I need to do is backstitch a bit on the top, then stitch in the poem and voila!

I also finished my little side project today, so it has been a good day for stitching.

I hit a bump in the wagon a tad. Oops. Knowledge and Needles has TW’s on for 20% off for April. I originally misread the ad, thinking it said 10% and I was good until Ann clarified for me tonight. So I snapped up “The Minstrel”. Can you blame me? Really?

I brought it home and showed Scott, who promptly pointed out that as soon as this one is stitched up we get a copy of Serenade to accompany it….

He can be taught!

Author: Schokti

Stitcher, gamer, mom extraordinaire

9 thoughts on “Bring on the backstitching!”

  1. Congrats, Christine! It looks fantastic already, even w/o the backstitching.

    And congrats on getting The Minstrel – OK, OK, you fell off the wagon, but isn’t this a design you were bound to have some time anyway? ;D I will certainly not blame you!

  2. Way to go, Christine! 🙂

    When it comes to The Minstrel… every road has it bumbs, so you’re innocent, aren’t you? 😉
    It also seems to me that I may have one more design to add my Want! list. 😀

  3. Oh Christine, it’s beautiful! I can’t wait to see the finished product; it’s going to be gorgeous. Brava!

    I won’t comment on the wagon lean because I’m so far off that I’ve burned the wagon, mixed the ashes with some resin and rebuilt the wagon just so that I could burn it again. ROFL

  4. *boogie down** Dancing right along with you Christine! Congrats on the near finish!!! Whooo hooo!!! 🙂 LOLOL Yes men can be taught…:) New stash is always a good thing!! Hehe..

    Have a good one!



  5. YEAH!! Congrats on your progress on your tribute piece. You really have done a lovely job with it!

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